Visual studio code
Visual studio code

For version information, see PowerShell versions. Core Tools include the entire Azure Functions runtime, so download and installation might take some time. The Core Tools package is downloaded and installed automatically when you start the project locally. The Azure Functions Core Tools version 2.x or later. Use the node -version command to check your version. Core Tools includes the entire Azure Functions runtime, so download and installation might take some time. Before you read this article, you should create your first function by using Visual Studio Code. This article provides details about how to use the Azure Functions extension to develop functions and publish them to Azure. In this article, examples are currently available only for JavaScript (Node.js) and C# class library functions. *Requires that you set C# script as your default project language. The extension can be used with the following languages, which are supported by the Azure Functions runtime starting with version 2.x: Write your functions in various languages while taking advantage of the benefits of Visual Studio Code.Publish your Azure Functions project directly to Azure.Edit, build, and run functions on your local development computer.The Azure Functions extension provides these benefits: If this experience is your first with Azure Functions, you can learn more at An introduction to Azure Functions.

visual studio code

The Azure Functions extension for Visual Studio Code lets you locally develop functions and deploy them to Azure.

Visual studio code